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KS3: Cooking and Nutrition

Statement of Inquiry

Understanding how to identify and use the correct resources which includes both equipment and materials, needed to develop pupils’ skills in each competency, through regular practice.

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria

Criterion C: Creating the solution


  • Develop new skills, techniques and strategies for effective learning

Links to Prior Learning

KS2 science – food chain, human body
Food science – enzymatic browning

Statement of Inquiry

Understanding how to identify and use the correct resources which includes both equipment and materials, needed to develop pupils’ skills in each competency, through regular practice.

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria

Criterion C: Creating the solution


  • Develop new skills, techniques and strategies for effective learning

Links to Prior Learning

KS2 science – food chain, human body
Food science – enzymatic browning

Statement of Inquiry

Entrepreneurs collaborate across subjects to explore culture.

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria

A : Evaluating B: Synthesizing C: Reflecting


  • Access information to be informed and inform others

Links to Prior Learning

Term 1 and 2 practical skills – continued in this unit

Statement of Inquiry

Entrepreneurs collaborate across subjects to explore culture.

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria

A : Evaluating B: Synthesizing C: Reflecting


  • Access information to be informed and inform others

Links to Prior Learning

Term 1 and 2 practical skills – continued in this unit

Statement of Inquiry

Communication can be used effectively to adapt people’s relationship with food.

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria

Criterion A: Inquiring and analysing


  • Interpret and use effectively modes of non-verbal communication

Links to Prior Learning

Year 7 basic knife skills – bridge and claw
Use of equipment: hob-oven combination
Measuring to make a batter

Statement of Inquiry

Communication can be used effectively to adapt people’s relationship with food.

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria

Criterion A: Inquiring and analysing


  • Interpret and use effectively modes of non-verbal communication

Links to Prior Learning

Year 7 basic knife skills – bridge and claw
Use of equipment: hob-oven combination
Measuring to make a batter

Statement of Inquiry

Communication can be used effectively to adapt people’s relationship with food.

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria

Criterion A: Inquiring and analysing


  • Interpret and use effectively modes of non-verbal communication

Links to Prior Learning

Year 7 Healthy eating guide Unit 1 lesson 4
Year 7 Healthy eating guidelines Unit 1 lesson 4
Year 7 Food safety and hygiene Unit 1/2/3
Year 7 Measuring correctly Unit 1/2/3
Year 7 use of the cooker 1/2/3
Year 7 knife skills – bridge and claw

Statement of Inquiry

Communication can be used effectively to adapt people’s relationship with food.

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria

Criterion A: Inquiring and analysing


  • Interpret and use effectively modes of non-verbal communication

Links to Prior Learning

Year 7 Healthy eating guide Unit 1 lesson 4
Year 7 Healthy eating guidelines Unit 1 lesson 4
Year 7 Food safety and hygiene Unit 1/2/3
Year 7 Measuring correctly Unit 1/2/3
Year 7 use of the cooker 1/2/3
Year 7 Knife skills – bridge and claw

Statement of Inquiry

Communication can be used effectively to adapt people’s relationship with food.

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria

Criterion A: Inquiring and analysing


  • Interpret and use effectively modes of non-verbal communication

Links to Prior Learning

Year 7 Healthy eating guide Unit 1 lesson 4
Year 7 Healthy eating guidelines Unit 1 lesson 4
Year 7 Food safety and hygiene Unit 1/2/3
Year 7 Measuring correctly Unit 1/2/3
Year 7 use of the cooker 1/2/3
Year 7 Knife skills – bridge and claw

Statement of Inquiry

Developing a knowledge of how to store and use resources competently through regular practice.

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria

C, D


  • Develop new skills, techniques and strategies for effective learning

Links to Prior Learning

Links to Year 7 Cooking and Nutrition
Basic hygiene and safety

Statement of Inquiry

Developing a knowledge of how to store and use resources competently through regular practice.

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria

C, D


  • Develop new skills, techniques and strategies for effective learning

Links to Prior Learning

Links to Year 7 Cooking and Nutrition
Basic hygiene and safety

Statement of Inquiry

Developing a knowledge of how to store and use resources competently through regular practice.

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria

C, D


  • Develop new skills, techniques and strategies for effective learning

Links to Prior Learning

Links to Year 7 Cooking and Nutrition
Basic hygiene and safety

Statement of Inquiry

Waste from one product can be used a raw material for another, which results in developing a resource neutral process.

Key Concepts


Related Concept(s)

Sustainability (human impact on the environment

Global Context

Globalisation and sustainability

Assessment Criteria



  • Create novel solutions to authentic problems

Links to Prior Learning

Year 7 unit 1 lesson 2: food miles and where our food is from.
Year 7 and 8 practical skills: knife skills – bridge and claw, use of the cooker, measuring and weighing.
Year 7 and 8 practical skills: basic food safety and hygiene.

Statement of Inquiry

We adapt our personal and cultural expression through communities.

Key Concepts

Related concept

Global context
Personal and cultural expression

Assessment Criteria

C, D


  • Bring necessary equipment and supplies to class

Links to Prior Learning

Year 7 Unit 1 lesson 2: food miles and where our food is from. Sustainability and the environment.
Year 8 Unit 2: Storing and working with food safely, correct storage.
Year 7 and 8 practical skills: knife skills – bridge and claw, use of the cooker, measuring and weighing.

KS3: Tech and textiles

Statement of Inquiry

Designers explore functions and develop competencies using a variety of considered materials to develop skillsets.

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria

B – Developing ideas


  • Combine knowledge, understanding and skills to create products or solutions

Links to Prior Learning

KS2 National curriculum content: Compare and group together everyday materials on the basis of their properties, including their hardness. Give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific characteristics and properties.

Statement of Inquiry

Designers explore functions and develop competencies using a variety of considered materials to develop skillsets.

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria

B – Developing ideas


  • Combine knowledge, understanding and skills to create products or solutions

Links to Prior Learning

KS2 National curriculum content: Compare and group together everyday materials on the basis of their properties, including their hardness. Give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific characteristics and properties.

Statement of Inquiry

Entrepreneurs collaborate across subjects to explore culture.

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria

A, B, C


  • Access information to be informed and inform others

Links to Prior Learning

KS2 Curriculum: design purposeful, functional, appealing products for themselves and other users based on design criteria

Statement of Inquiry

Entrepreneurs collaborate across subjects to explore culture.

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria

A, B, C


  • Access information to be informed and inform others

Links to Prior Learning

KS2 Curriculum: design purposeful, functional, appealing products for themselves and other users based on design criteria

Statement of Inquiry

Designers explore functions and develop competencies using a variety of considered materials to develop skillsets.

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria

D – Evaluation


  • Combine knowledge, understanding and skills to create products or solutions

Links to Prior Learning

Continued from Year 7 Term 1 and 2. Compare and group together everyday materials on the basis of their properties, including their hardness. Give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific characteristics and properties.

Statement of Inquiry

Designers explore functions and develop competencies using a variety of considered materials to develop skillsets.

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria

D – Evaluation


  • Combine knowledge, understanding and skills to create products or solutions

Links to Prior Learning

Continued from Year 7 Term 1 and 2. Compare and group together everyday materials on the basis of their properties, including their hardness. Give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific characteristics and properties.

Statement of Inquiry

Designers explore functions and develop abilities using industry standard digital tools.

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria

B, C


  • Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues

Links to Prior Learning

Year 7 links: DT and IT Design cycle is utilised and revisited, initial and developed ideas are explored and criticised in greater detail. Digital basics from IT lessons serve as a foundation for their IT competency when using the new design program.

Statement of Inquiry

Designers explore functions and develop abilities using industry standard digital tools.

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria

B, C


  • Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues

Links to Prior Learning

Year 7 links: DT and IT Design cycle is utilised and revisited, initial and developed ideas are explored and criticised in greater detail. Digital basics from IT lessons serve as a foundation for their IT competency when using the new design program.

Statement of Inquiry

Designers explore functions and develop abilities using industry standard digital tools.

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria

B, C


  • Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues

Links to Prior Learning

Year 7 links: DT and IT Design cycle is utilised and revisited, initial and developed ideas are explored and criticised in greater detail. Digital basics from IT lessons serve as a foundation for their IT competency when using the new design program.

Statement of Inquiry

Designers explore functions and develop abilities using industry standard digital tools.

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria

To utilise the skills handbook to track and set goals that target key skills needed to be successful using the TinkerCad digital design platform.


  • Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues

Links to Prior Learning

Links to previous computing/IT skills (saving and locating file locations, web browsing, keyboard shortcuts). Links to Design cycle from previous year 7 (woodblock design project), design brief, spec drawings, evaluative skillset.

Statement of Inquiry

Designers explore functions and develop abilities using industry standard digital tools.

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria

To utilise the skills handbook to track and set goals that target key skills needed to be successful using the TinkerCad digital design platform.


  • Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues

Links to Prior Learning

Links to previous computing/IT skills (saving and locating file locations, web browsing, keyboard shortcuts). Links to Design cycle from previous year 7 (woodblock design project), design brief, spec drawings, evaluative skillset.

Statement of Inquiry

Designers explore functions and develop abilities using industry standard digital tools.

Key Concepts


Assessment Criteria

To utilise the skills handbook to track and set goals that target key skills needed to be successful using the TinkerCad digital design platform.


  • Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues

Links to Prior Learning

Links to previous computing/IT skills (saving and locating file locations, web browsing, keyboard shortcuts). Links to Design cycle from previous year 7 (woodblock design project), design brief, spec drawings, evaluative skillset.

Statement of Inquiry

Designers develop new skills through responding to their perspective

Key Concepts

Development – Research and Respond

Assessment Criteria

A – Research natural forms inspired designers/artists and their work


Links to Prior Learning

Hand sewing – year 7 key skills project (magazine front cover terms 1-3/food pin cushion terms 4-6)
Applique and embellishments – year 8 development project (tote bags terms 1-3)
Reverse applique – year 8 development project (cushion covers terms 4-6)

Statement of Inquiry

Designers develop new skills through responding to their perspective

Key Concepts

Development – Research and Respond

Assessment Criteria

A – Research natural forms inspired designers/artists and their work


Links to Prior Learning

Hand sewing – year 7 key skills project (magazine front cover terms 1-3/food pin cushion terms 4-6)
Applique and embellishments – year 8 development project (tote bags terms 1-3)
Reverse applique – year 8 development project (cushion covers terms 4-6)

Statement of Inquiry

Designers develop new skills through responding to their perspective

Key Concepts

Development – Experiment and evaluate

Assessment Criteria

B – developing responses to research e.g. inspired outcomes and designing for final piece


Links to Prior Learning

Hand sewing – year 7 key skills project (magazine front cover terms 1-3/food pin cushion terms 4-6)
Applique and embellishments – year 8 development project (tote bags terms 1-3)
Reverse applique – year 8 development project (cushion covers terms 4-6)

Statement of Inquiry

Designers develop new skills through responding to their perspective

Key Concepts

Development – Experiment and evaluate

Assessment Criteria

B – developing responses to research e.g. inspired outcomes and designing for final piece


Links to Prior Learning

Hand sewing – year 7 key skills project (magazine front cover terms 1-3/food pin cushion terms 4-6)
Applique and embellishments – year 8 development project (tote bags terms 1-3)
Reverse applique – year 8 development project (cushion covers terms 4-6)

Statement of Inquiry

Designers develop new skills through responding to their perspective

Key Concepts

Development – Manufacture and critically analyse outcome

Assessment Criteria

C – Manufacture of final piece
D – Evaluate project and final outcome


Links to Prior Learning

Hand sewing – year 7 key skills project (magazine front cover terms 1-3/food pin cushion terms 4-6)
Applique and embellishments – year 8 development project (tote bags terms 1-3)
Reverse applique – year 8 development project (cushion covers terms 4-6)

Statement of Inquiry

Designers develop new skills through responding to their perspective

Key Concepts

Development – Manufacture and critically analyse outcome

Assessment Criteria

C – Manufacture of final piece
D – Evaluate project and final outcome


Links to Prior Learning

Hand sewing – year 7 key skills project (magazine front cover terms 1-3/food pin cushion terms 4-6)
Applique and embellishments – year 8 development project (tote bags terms 1-3)
Reverse applique – year 8 development project (cushion covers terms 4-6)

KS4: GCSE 3D Design

Vision Statement

The growing DT department offers an opportunity for students to fully engage with the modern design process. Our accessible (and D.A.T.A. informed) course utilises a range of materials and production techniques to produce the highest quality creative outcomes. Students will become self motivating, confident problem solvers that develop competencies in practical and technical aspects of design. Our hope is to create conscientious designers, responsibly aware of ethical material resourcing and usage. Pupils will learn about social, moral and cultural considerations and responsibility of managing finite resources. Skill sets will be learned and developed in the use of digital design software, machinery and hand tools to be applied across a broad range of specialist materials including woods, metals and plastics to create a prototype product. This product can be derived from or inspired by any category: Architectural design / Sculpture / Ceramics / Product design / Jewellery and body adornment / Interior design / Environmental design / Landscape design / Garden design / Exhibition design / Designs for theatre, film and television / 3D digital design

Course Outline/Assessment Methods

The AQA course is split into two components:

Component 1


Students develop responses to initial starting points, project briefs or specified tasks and realise intentions informed by research, the development and refinement of ideas and meaningful engagement with selected sources. Responses will include evidence of drawing for different purposes and needs and written annotation.

Externally set assignment

Students respond to a starting point provided by AQA. This response provides evidence of the student’s ability to work independently within specified time constraints, (10 hours) to realise intentions that are personal and meaningful and explicitly address the requirements of all four assessment objectives.

Linked Sixth Form Courses:

  • Graphic Communication
  • Product Design
  • Art and Design
  • Maths
  • Textiles
  • Film Studies
  • Media Studies

Future Course/ Career Opportunities:

  • Graphic designer
  • Architect
  • Product Designer
  • Carpentry
  • Digital design
  • Practical Artist

Departmental Performance:

This is a new qualification for the 2023/24 Academic year.

KS4: GCSE Food and Nutrition

Please note, this course is only running until July 2024

Vision Statement

At the Hundred of Hoo, we nurture talent and ensure that pupils’ creativity knows no limits. The Food Technology department offers a  2-year GCSE course that is designed to empower students with essential culinary skills, nutritional knowledge, and a deep appreciation for food. This course will give you the knowledge and ability to develop life skills enabling you to cook and make informed choices about what and how well you are eating.

Course Outline/Assessment Methods


Food Preparation and Nutrition GCSE covers 5 topics with food preparation skills integrated into each section. 

  1. Food, nutrition and health
  2. Food science
  3. Food safety
  4. Food choice
  5. Food provenance

This can be further divided into

  • Food, Nutrition, and Health:
    • Understanding the nutritional needs of different groups.
    • Principles of a balanced diet and dietary guidelines.
    • Food science and its impact on health.
    • Special dietary requirements and restrictions.
    • The importance of hydration and healthy eating patterns.
  • Food Preparation Skills:
    • Safe and hygienic food handling and storage.
    • Knife skills and various cooking techniques.
    • Preparing a variety of dishes, including main courses, desserts, and snacks.
    • Recipe adaptation and creativity in the kitchen.
    • Time management and organisation in meal preparation.
  • Food Investigation and Assessment:
    • Conducting food investigations to explore specific food-related issues.
    • Using scientific principles to evaluate recipes and cooking techniques.
    • Applying critical thinking to make informed food choices.
    • Creating and evaluating original recipes based on nutritional guidelines.

Throughout the Food Preparation and Nutrition GCSE, students will be assessed through a combination of written exams and coursework. The assessment breakdown is as follows:

Written Assessment 

  • Paper 1: Food Preparation and Nutrition
    • Written exam.
    • Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes.
    • 100 marks 
    • Worth 50% of the final grade.
    • Assessing  theoretical knowledge and understanding of food preparation and nutrition principles.

Non-Examination Assessment (NEA)

  • Practical coursework completed in school. Tasks are set by the exam board. 
    • Task 1: Food Investigation  30 marks (15% of final grade).
    • Completed in module 1 & 2 of Year 11 
    • Task 2: Food Preparation Assessment 70 marks  (35% of final grade).
    • Assessment of practical skills, creativity, and ability to apply knowledge.
    • This is completed across modules 2-4 in year 11.

The course content is primarily delivered in Year 10 with year 11 focusing on assessments and revision. 

Linked Sixth Form Courses:

  • Food Science and Nutrition
  • Home Economics
  • Food Hygiene
  • Professional Cookery

Future Course/ Career Opportunities:

  • Dietician / Nutritionist
  • Food Sales and Promotion
  • Product Development
  • Chef / Baker / Caterer
  • Consumer Technologist (Sensory Analysis and Product Tasting)
  • Food Journalist / Food Critic
  • Environmental Health Officer
  • Health & Safety Inspector
  • Food Service Management 
  • Delicatessen / Restaurateur
  • Food Wholesaler

Departmental Performance:

  • 2023/24: 9-4 = 40.5%
  • 2021/22: 9-4 = 58%
  • 2020/21: 9-4 = 45%

KS4: GCSE Graphic Communication

Vision Statement

At the Hundred of Hoo, we nurture talent and ensure that pupils’ creativity knows no limits. The Art department offers a range of courses that enables pupils to explore a range of different media, processes and techniques ensuring that pupils gain valuable opportunities to develop and display thought-processes that lead to incredible artistic results. One opportunity is to produce a portfolio of work that can support progression higher education. The course provides pupils with a wide range of creative, exciting and stimulating opportunities to explore their interests in ways that are both personally relevant and developmental in Graphics. Pupils develop their ability to actively engage in the processes of Graphic Design to build creative skills through learning and practical workshops, to develop imaginative and intuitive ways of working and developing knowledge and understanding of media, materials and technologies in historical and contemporary contexts, societies and cultures.

Course Outline/Assessment Methods

Students will choose a project from a list of options and complete an independent study of the topic with a 10-hour exam focussing on a final outcome.

The AQA GCSE Graphic communication course has the following two units:

Component 1 - 60%

Coursework portfolio (60% of GCSE). Internally assessed and moderated by examiner visit to centre.

Students begin with a project focusing on ’Music’ and then move on to a second project ‘Sustainability’. Students will research a broad range of Artists based on the topics and develop their own skills within this using a variety of materials, media and techniques. This component develops a broad range of skills including 2D drawing skills using a range of resources, media and processes and the use of a variety of IT programs and media including Photoshop, font design programs and Graphics tablets.

Externally set Assignment (40% OF GCSE). Internally assessed and moderated by examiner visit to centre. Supervised time:10 hours.

Linked Sixth Form Courses:

  • Art and Design
  • Fine Art
  • Graphic Communication
  • Textile Design
  • Photography

Future Course/ Career Opportunities:

  • Graphic designer
  • Advertising
  • Publisher
  • Illustrator
  • Interior and Spatial Designer
  • Animator
  • Creative Director

Departmental Performance:

  • 2023/24: 9-4 = 58.8%
  • 2022/23: 9-4 – 67%

KS4: GCSE Textiles

Please note, this course is only running until July 2024

Vision Statement

At the Hundred of Hoo, we nurture talent and ensure that pupils’ creativity knows no limits. The Textiles department offers a range of courses that enables pupils to explore a range of different media, processes and techniques ensuring that pupils gain valuable opportunities to develop and display thought-processes that lead to incredible artistic results. One opportunity is to produce a portfolio of work that can support progression higher education. The course provides pupils with a wide range of creative, exciting and stimulating opportunities to explore their interests in ways that are both personally relevant and developmental in Textiles. Pupils develop their ability to actively engage in the processes of Textiles to build creative skills through learning and practical workshops, to develop imaginative and intuitive ways of working and developing knowledge and understanding of media, materials and technologies in historical and contemporary contexts, societies and cultures.

Course Outline/Assessment Methods

The AQA GCSE Textiles course has the following two units:

Component 1 - 60%

Coursework portfolio (60% of the course). Internally assessed and moderated by examiner visit to centre.

Students begin with a project focusing on the topic ‘Natural Forms’ researching artists and craftspeople and producing outcomes using a range of techniques and processes. Once completed students move on to the second project. This unit is based on a personal response to  the topic ‘messages’. Students will decide on a theme and produce research and personal outcomes related to their chosen artists or craftspeople developing their own response to the topic.

Externally set Assignment (40% of the course). Internally assessed and moderated by examiner visit to centre. Supervised time:10 hours.

Students will choose a project from a list of options and complete an independent study of the topic with a 10-hour exam focussing on a final outcome.

Linked Sixth Form Courses:

  • Textile Design
  • Art and Design
  • Fine Art
  • Graphic Communication
  • Photography

Future Course/ Career Opportunities:

  • Textile Designer
  • Fashion Buyer
  • Printmaker
  • Visual Merchandiser

Departmental Performance:

  • 2023/24: 9-4 = 71.4%
  • 2021/22: 9-4 = 89%
  • 2020/21: 9-4 = 79%

KS5: A Level 3D Design

Vision Statement

Run from our Design Technology department, the A-Level in 3D Design is an opportunity to design and create in our newly refurbished workshops. You will be introduced to a variety of experiences that explore a range of three-dimensional media, processes and techniques. This will be using both traditional and new media.

You will explore the use of design for different purposes, using a variety of methods and media on a variety of scales. You will use sketchbooks/ workbooks/ journals/ electronic design where appropriate.

You will have the opportunity to explore the use of 3D design in these areas:

  • ceramics
  • sculpture
  • exhibition design
  • design for theatre, television and film
  • interior design
  • product design
  • environmental and architectural design
  • jewellery/body ornament
  • 3D digital design

Course Outline/Assessment Methods

3D-Design is an A-Level qualification graded from A*-E.

  • AO1: Develop ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding.
  • AO2: Explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes, reviewing and refining ideas as work develops.
  • AO3: Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions, reflecting critically on work and progress.
  • AO4: Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and makes connections between visual and other elements
Component 1 - 60% (96 marks)
Non-exam assessment (NEA) set and marked by the Academy and moderated by AQA during a visit to the Academy.

An externally set assignment by the examination board. Students will have full in-class preparation for this, before completing a 15-hour exam over 3 days.

Skills for Success:

The minimum entry requirements for 6th form apply for this course. A background in design would be preferable, but is not essential.

You will develop:

  • relevant materials, processes, technologies and resources
  • how ideas, feelings and meanings can be conveyed and interpreted
    in images and artefacts
  • how images and artefacts relate to the time and place in which they were made and to their social and cultural contexts
  • continuity and change in different genres, styles and traditions
  • a working vocabulary and specialist terminology

Future Course/ Career Opportunities:

  • Digital marketing
  • Fashion
  • Computer aided design

3D Design is a course that would work well with any other arts or creative disciplines. If you have an interest in design and the application of technology, this could be the course for you!

Departmental Performance:

This is a new course, with first results due 2025.