“A key part of our plan for education is to ensure children become valuable and fully rounded members of society who treat others with respect and tolerance, regardless of background.
Our pupils live in an ever-changing society that is demanding of each and every member. Pupils’ ability to effectively adapt and demonstrate key values will define their place within society. Globalization means that our communities are becoming more diverse and our opportunities to understand each other and our surroundings is broadening every day; this can be a challenge for many, but is a chance for all pupils to thrive.
In 2011, the Prevent Strategy was introduced by the government to review policies and strategies in relation to counter-terrorism activity. This focus came as a result of the Trojan Horse scandal where it was believed that strict Islamic values were being promoted in some Birmingham schools.
Government guidance now states that all schools have a duty to actively promote the Fundamental British Values, these are namely:
- Democracy
- The rule of law
- Individual liberty
- Mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
Our thoughtful and wide-ranging promotion of spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, underpinned by our shared values, ensures that every pupil is supported to understand the dynamics of our society and their role within it.
We place great value on developing pupil’s knowledge and understanding of the democratic society in which we live. Throughout the curriculum pupils are exposed to exploration of legislation and protection of rights. In particular, the RE, History and English curriculums allow pupils to compare and contrast the UK system with those that have different political processes and, as a result, differing views on rights and freedoms. Theme of the Fortnight provides an exceptional basis for pupils to exercise their skills in debate of important moral issues, whilst our student leadership programme enables pupils to gain a more sophisticated understanding of democracy through putting learnt skills into practice.
Law and adherence to rules runs through the heart of everything we do; without an understanding and respect for rules and their importance, success in modern society is impossible to achieve. The ‘Hoo 10’ gives each and every pupil the guidance to make appropriate decisions based upon the rules of the Academy. Our pupils are respectful and polite with the ability to distinguish between right and wrong. Our strong emphasis on discipline has ensured that the ‘little things’ do not go unchecked and pupils have greater pride in their own learning behaviours. Pupils gain an awareness of the history of rules and their impact on a fair society; the differences between civic laws, religious laws and those of different societies through our PSHRE, Government and Politics, History and English curriculums. Matters of ethics and the laws surrounding abortion, divorce and other important matters are also a strong feature of our work in ensuring that pupils are reflective and law-abiding individuals.
We invest a lot of time in creating a positive culture and ethos in our Academy, so that children can flourish in a safe environment, where choices and freedoms are encouraged. Pupils are encouraged to be responsible in making their own choices. Our curriculum and Theme of the Fortnight, offer a wide range of opportunities for pupils to research into historical activists in promoting equal rights, as well as identifying the freedoms they have in life and how to perform these freedoms in a safe and respectable manner. Pupil autonomy is encouraged through our breadth of co-curricular clubs, as we prepare pupils for their future. At The Hundred of Hoo we believe that the value of freedom of choice will develop pupils’ ability to value individual liberty in the future.
Mutual respect is at the core of Academy life. We understand that academic success is important, but for a child to understand the importance of respect and a deep knowledge of the world around them and the people within it is just as invaluable. Our community expects each and every member to recognise the diverse range of religious and non-religious beliefs represented in Great Britain and that the fact that the religious traditions of Great Britain are, in the main, Christian. We also strive for all pupils to embrace the wide range of differing cultures within Britain and the wider world. Through our curriculum and the routines of our daily academy life, our pupils demonstrate respect and become knowledgeable and understanding citizens who can build a better Britain for the future.
Fundamental British Values in the PSHRE Curriculum
The Academy is fully immersed in the ideals and values of Britain, ensuring that democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs run through the very fabric of our community. This is reflected through our behaviour systems, expectations of a ‘Hoo pupil’ and our curriculum. We support every pupil to have their opinions, for them to be shared and valued through pupil surveys, the Student Leadership Team and in lessons.
“Pupils value opportunities to act as ambassadors and have their voices heard, such as through roles as prefects or school councillors. School council representatives described proudly how they have raised funds for a range of charities and how staff act on their suggestions for how the school might improve.” Ofsted Report – 2018
Personal Social Health, Religious and Economic education is taught discretely to all years, from year 7 to year 13, supporting pupils’ Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development, enabling them to access the world without prejudice or ignorance of their own purpose, social standing or views of others around them.
This aspect of the curriculum is well mapped alongside the form time Theme of the fortnight programme, ensuring that pupils are given essential access to a variety of life skills. Through working alongside the PSHE association and Medway Council, resources for the whole curriculum have been built to ensure the needs of all pupils are met.